Where is my tea pot lid? Umar's search method
Horary astrologers often get questions about missing objects, people, or animals. Finding things or animals with horary astrology is one of the most complex but rewarding and practical applications of astrology. To illustrate this technique let me discuss an interesting example of a horary chart, which helped me find an item of personal value.
Situation: After the move to a new home, I had misplaced a tea pot lid from a special tea set. The set consisted of a cup and a tea pot sitting on top of the cup. The set was adorned with a beautiful peacock image. As I unpacked my china, I found the cup and the tea pot, but could not locate the tea pot lid anywhere. Without the lid the tea pot was not fully functional. For weeks, I had searched all of the boxes that could contain the lid to no avail. A few months later, I casted the horary chart presented below asking for horary guidance:
“Where is my tea pot lid?”
Significators: I'm the querent in this chart. Querent is the person who asks the question. The querent is signified by the 1st house (1H). In this chart, we find Capricorn on the Ascendant (cusp of the 1H), and Saturn, Lord 1 (L1), is sitting right on the Asc as well. The missing item is represented by the 2H. Pisces is on the cusp of the 2H, and Jupiter, L2 is significator for the missing tea pot lid. We should also consider the natural significator for china - the Moon. In addition, the Moon is also co-significator of the question in general, and helps with our location details.
When we are delineating a horary chart for the missing item the first step is to determine if there is a promise of recovery. If recovery is likely, we could proceed to determining potential location of the missing item.
Signs for recovery: The chart looks promising for recovery. L2 is together with L1 on the Ascendant. An angular position of L2 in close proximity to my own significator shows that the item is very close to me, and is likely in the place where I spend a lot of time. Angular position of the significator also shows that it will be recovered. Saturn in the 1H though is often seen as an indicator of delays and obstructions to the question. Since it is in essential dignity in Capricorn, and is direct in motion, this may just delay the recovery but does not deny it. Jupiter in detriment shows the item is "out of its place." It was not packed with the set, and ended up somewhere else.
The Moon, co-significator for the missing item, is in 2H, which is another favorable testimony that the item is close and likely will be recovered. It is favorable to have the Moon emplaced in the house we are asking about. The Moon is applying to its dispositor, which is another positive sign of recovery. It is as if the dispositor is receptive to the Moon's wishes and assists in recovery.
Jupiter is also applying to Saturn, so L2 is moving to L1 -- all signs showing the item will be recovered, it is not lost, and it is very close to the owner.
Knowing the item will be recovered, we can narrow down the location of the item, using a recovery method by the astrologer Umar (Book of the Nine Judges . B. Dykes trans, Chapter on 4H matters, Looking for treasure. P.121)
The method of search by Umar :
1. Divide the space into eastern and western parts by dividing it in the middle, position of significator in the chart (eastern or western) would point to the right part in the space we are working with. (In my search, I used L2, but it was noted by Dykes that L7 might have been used by Umar).
2. See what sign significator is in. Signs describe position within that space (high, middle or low).
Movable signs: higher elevation/next to ceiling;
Fixed : low on the floor/ground;
Common: middle of the room/space.
3. Notice which decan of the sign the significator occupies. Divide the house part from step 1 into 3 equal parts. First decan suggests the item is in the 1 part of the house part, 2nd decan- in the second part, and 3rd decan in the 3rd part. Look for the item in that part of the space. Umar does not mention where to start the division, but it is often done from the entrance to the house representing the 1 part.
4. Once you have narrowed the area like this, repeat step 3 within the narrowed area. For example, let's say that this item is likely in your kitchen, divide the kitchen into 3 parts, and narrow your search to the part corresponding with the decan of significator.
Location of the item: I used L2 as my main significator but also paid attention to the Moon (which in this chart is L7).
L2 is placed in the eastern half of the chart, so it points in the eastern part of the house. It is in Capricorn, which is a movable (cardinal sign) and points to a higher elevation in the house or in the space in which it is located (If there is one level only). My home has multiple levels, so my item is likely on the top level. L2, Jupiter, is in the 3rd decan of Capricorn (20*) pointing to the 3rd part of the space, counting from the front door. I also noted that the Moon was in Aries and close to Mars, which often shows areas next to heaters or boilers or stoves. Aries being a cardinal sign confirms again the item is likely at a higher elevation in the space. Multiple repetitions of the clue become a recovery theme in the chart. I knew the missing top must be on the eastern side, and the elevated top of the house, likely closer to the ceiling, next to a heater or boiler (Moon next to Mars in Aries), and in the 3rd part of that space. Of course we should use common sense and knowledge of the space. Since my kitchen is on the top floor in the house, and it is a 3rd part of the floor (dividing from the entrance to the house), I walked to the kitchen, and looked up above. There was a box with china on top of the kitchen cabinet. Of course, I had looked in it before, but did not find the tea pot lid. This time I opened the box, and unwrapped every piece of paper in the box, and to my great delight found the tea top lid. Kitchen cabinet was white and the box was light pink colors associated with Fire (Moon in Aries). But inside the box, the item was in a dark place, well wrapped in paper (POF in Gemini), together with other china. There was a stove nearby (Mars next to the Moon), and a fridge (Saturn next to L2).
Direction was western in the house, but at the time when I asked the horary question, this box was standing on the western part of the floor, just across the kitchen, where it had been moved later.
Timing of recovery: I originally anticipated that I would find my tea top when Jupiter and Saturn would perfect their mundane conjunction, which occurred on December 16, 2020. In fact, I recovered the lid on March 16 2021 at 3:40 pm, about 5.5 months since I asked the question. Jupiter symbolically perfected its conjunction with Saturn in 5.5 units of time (Jupiter is at 20*36' of Capricorn and Saturn at 26*03' of Capricorn). Timing was slow because of Saturn, and at the time I asked the question, my tea pot lid has been missing for a few months. So the likely time frame for recovery was weeks/months.
As an icing on the cake, Jupiter in Capricorn, representing the pot, is conjunct the fixed star Peacock at 23* Capricorn, further affirming the amazing wisdom and powerful synchronicity of horary astrology.
Note: If you are interested in learning more about looking for the missing items or people with horary astrology, the next online webinar on finding items or pets is on April 12, 2024 online and in person for SDAS:
1. The Book of The Nine Judges (2011). B Dykes trans. Forth house, Buried treasure section
3. Lilly, W., Christian Astrology (2004 ed), Book 2