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Introduction to Horary Class

This is an intro class to horary astrology; it is best for students familiar with basics of astrology, but no prior horary experience is needed
Dr Lumen has been a professional astrologer since 2000. She has training in classical and modern astrology. She also holds a Phd in psychology. Dr Lumen has been teaching horary and electional astrology since 2015 for the top US astrology school. She is faculty at International Academy of Astrology, principle of her own school LSCA, and is a frequent presenter at the leading astrological organizations worldwide.
We meet online on Zoom Day/time TBA, time 5 pm Pacific time on Fridays (or TBA depending on cohort location).
This is a unique opportunity to join an introduction to horary astrology class with a leading horary astrology teacher, Elena Lumen PhD.
Students will be introduced to the powerful methods and art of horary astrology in a a structured but supportive and engaging way.
Groups are limited to 10 people, so each student gets individual attention and tutoring from the instructor and TAs.
A private class is offered at discounted price of $400 per student, which can be paid upfront, or monthly with a deposit of $150 to reserve your spot. * there are some discounts available based on need or for former students who wish to repeat the course.
Structure of the class:
We will meet for 10 weeks, and each class lasts for 1.5 hours. There will be exams and charts to do in the process of the class, and many hands on interpretations. At the end, students will get certification of basic proficiency in horary astrology. There is an option to continue with the advanced class. This class does not require prior knowledge of horary, but sufficient familiarity with astrology basics (planets, signs, aspects) is needed to get the most out of the material.
Course Objectives:
Learn basic principles of horary astrology including: considerations against judgment, chart’s radicality, planetary archetypes and their expression, dignities and debilities, and basic rules of judgment.
Get a step-by-step structured approach to understanding charts’ symbolism, while learning to make interpretations with clarity, confidence, and accuracy.
Learn how to make judgments about important spheres of life: relationships, career, health, and financial questions, and searching for missing items/people.
Understand more advanced horary techniques such as elemental nature of planets, receptions, and planetary dignities to get fine and specific detail about the horary question, not just a yes or no answer.
Get to practice on different charts each week to strengthen the knowledge received.
Classes are held weekly.
Class Meeting 1: History of Horary Astrology
Considerations before judgment, identifying significators. Review of house meanings.
Class Meeting 2: Angular Placements
house strengths, the lunar influences in horary.
Class Meeting 3: Planets
Essential nature, speeds and profiling in horary interpretation.
Class Meeting 4: Main Steps of Delineation
Dignities and debilities, timing.
Class Meeting 5: Planetary Scoring and Receptions.
Class Meeting 6: Relationships Charts
Main principles and examples.
Class Meeting 7: Career Charts
Main principles and examples.
Class Meeting 8: Financial Charts
Main principles and examples.
Class Meeting 9: Medical Charts and Pregnancy Charts
Main principles and examples.
Class Meeting 10: Practice and exam analysis
In the last meeting, we will practice on the charts and analyze final exam chart
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