2024 US Election: Trump vs Harris
by Elena Lumen , Nov 3 2024 #uselection2024 #traditionalelections #traditionalastrology #competitioncharts
Question: Who will win in the upcoming US election: Trump or Harris?
In the practice group I host, we analyzed a horary chart posted by one of the members: Is Trump going to win? The following analysis is based on the rules of traditional horary astrology, and, specifically, the rules of Arabic and Persian astrologer for delineation of competition questions.
Since the querent asked specifically if Trump was going to win, we will assign him to the first house, and Saturn, Lord of the 1st house (L1), represents him. Saturn is appropriate for an older male, and one associated with the position of power or influence. Saturn is peregrine and in retrograde motion, which is an affliction, suggesting troubles for Trump with his allies and finances (2nd house), but in order to figure out the winners, we have to evaluate this more thoroughly.
Harris is going to be represented by the 7th house of opponents, and the Moon, as her significator (since we have Cancer on the cusp of the 7H). The Moon appropriately signifies a woman, and being placed in Libra it resonates with her political messages of unity, and justice.
Victory in the competition is represented by the 10th House, and Mars , Lord of the 10th House, is significator for it. Mars is placed in fall in Cancer in anuretic degree (and in opposition to Pluto), suggesting victory may be dissolving before it can be enjoyed. End of matter, 4th House, is represented by Venus in Sagittarius (L4).
General rules of analysis in competition charts: In traditional astrology, we need to consider a few factors in our analysis.
In general, the contestant who is stronger by position in the houses, and dignities wins. Most victorious are the 10th and 11th houses, followed by being on the angles of the chart, followed by succedent houses. Cadent houses are considered weak for victory.
Arabic astrologers also advice to note whichever planet-significator is better received (it can be through mutual receptions, or aspects with receptions). This would show the candidate with more support and allies. In general, superior planets have stronger position for winning than inferior ones. Finally, the one who is assisted by the Lord of the 10H representing victory and Lord of the 4H representing the end of matter is likely to win. Luminaries and benefics also help by their aspects or being placed with the winner's significator. Malefics generally harm. With this in mind we can evaluate how each candidate scores. 1. W. Lilly and earlier astrologers used a method of scoring planets which allows to evaluate their power by adding all dignities up and subtracting all debilities. The one who would get a higher score is the likely winner. Here are the scores for Saturn (Trump) and the Moon (Harris) according to W. Lilly's table:
Saturn Dignities | Saturn Debilities | Moon Dignities | Moon Debilities |
In 2H : +3 | Peregrine -5 | Face +1 | Wanning: -2 |
Free from combustion: +5 | Rx : -5 | Free from combustion: +5 | In 8H : -2 |
Slow in motion : -2 | Slow in motion: -2 | ||
Occidental : -2 | Conjunct SN: -4 | ||
Total: +8 | Total: -14 | Total: +6 | Total: -10 |
Trump | Total score: -6 | Harris | Total score: -4 |
Based on the score comparison , the Moon representing Harris has a slightly better chance of winning, though we can see that both candidates are in a similar position.
Let's consider other important factors. 2. Saturn is a superior planet which adds a point for Trump. 3. Saturn has reception with Jupiter in mixed dignities, but the Moon with Venus; since both have one mutual reception, they are in a similar position. 4. Victory (L10, Mars) is in the 7th house suggesting a win for Harris, but a difficult one, or the one that first appears to be there, but then dissolves (Mars is in Fall). It may indicate that at first it would look like she is winning but then it may be a slide, or some recounts which change the final outcome. In general, malefic Mars harms, so it is harmful to her victory. 5. The Sun is trining Saturn giving an extra point to Trump. 6. the Moon is sextiling Venus giving an extra point to Harris.
Both the Moon and Saturn are in succedent houses, which does not give advantage to one over the other.
In summary, it looks like Harris has a slightly better position for winning to begin with. She will likely have stronger support of women and public (Moon approaching sextile with Venus, L4), and she has better resources and allies (Moon is in the 8H supported by Venus and in sextile with Lot of Fortune). However, Venus, L4, indicating the end of matter in the election is also cadent, which makes it less powerful and less helpful to Harris. The negative indication for Trump is that his significator is Rx, which traditional astrology considers a very strong debility. So with the chart's indication so mixed and not giving stronger preference to one candidate over the other, it appears that Harris is going to be leading at first (and she may have the popular vote). However, Mars in Fall in her house suggests harm to her victory, which may lead to Trump's victory in the end.
With Jupiter, Lord of the hour, in debility and Rx, recounts and delays of the election results are very likely. With the fixed star Zuben Elgenuby conjunct MC, violence and unrest are also possible as a result of the election, however the Moon sextiling Venus with reception, likely will smooth this out. The results can take longer than anticipated to learn, and may be reversed.
Victory: Trump
Now that the outcome is known, and Trump had a decisive victory by electoral college (but not a huge by votes, it is worth while reviewing the analysis and seeing what was accurate and what wasn't. When we analyzed the chart, I felt that retrograde motion of Saturn, significator for Trump was a strong debility, which took away some of his power, and made me doubt the victory would be decisive or easy. However, Rx in this context is suggestive of return to power. More importantly, Saturn in the 2nd House was in a better position by house than the Moon in the 8th house. In traditional view, 8th house is associated with losses, though it is better than 6th or 12th (which usually deny victory), -- it is dark house. Another decisive factor was that the Sun associated with honors, position of command, was trining Saturn, significator for Trump. Finally, Mars malefic in the anuretic degree was harming 7th house, representing Harris, and a harm to her victory. Pluto in the 1H for Trump may represent the deep state is behind him on this one, and Saturn Rx in his house of allies showing some of the allies coming back or turning to him, even if they had not supported him before.
Electional chart on the day of election favors Trump
An analysis of election day helps to narrow down the winning candidate. Let's review:
In this chart, incoming candidate ('the challenger') is shown by the 1st House (1H) and Lord1 is Mars in the 9H in Leo. The defender is shown by the 7H, and its lord Venus. While Mars is peregrine and cadent (essential and accidental debilities), it connects with Trumps' radical Mars, which is a positive connection reinforcing his natal chart. While Harris also has Mars in Leo (hers is at a later degree of the sign).
The Sun, Lord of the 10th house, represents victory, and is analogous with honors and a crown in astrology. We find it placed in the 1st house, a pattern called emplacement. This is favorable to have the lord of the house we are asking about/or desiring (in this case victory, 10 H) come to the house of the candidate. More so, Mars and the Sun are in mutual reception, which is being in each other sign of rulership. MR suggests a strong point of connection, and that planets work together. In other words, the Sun supports L1 (Trump).
If we look at the 7th house, representing the "defending" party, we can see Harris' ruler is Venus in Sagittarius, with the Moon in Sagittarius in the 2nd House. Venus does not have any aspect or MR with the Sun (Victory) or the end of the matter (Saturn, L4). While position in the 2nd house is better than Mars in the 9th, the sun strongly supports first house victory. Harris may have the popular support and support of the women (Moon with Venus) but as the Moon is also void in this chart, it does not benefit her in the end. Lot of Fortune also important for victories and success is in the 11H of public hopes and wishes. It is disposited by the 2nd House Mercury which represents allies of the contender, Trump. So he is benefited by his allies or younger people who may have voted for him.