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July class at Synchronicity University: Secrets of Arabic astrologer for stellar horary and natal interpretations

Arabic and Persian astrologers have greatly contributed to the theory and practice of western astrology developing many powerful techniques useful in all branches of astrology. These techniques are rightfully returning to modern astrology, after many translations of Arabic and Persian luminaries made available in English for the first time. In this class, we will learn how to read and delineate natal charts with more depth and clarity using techniques by Sahl I Bishr, Masha'allah, Umar, and others. We will take a fresh look at planetary retrograde cycles and what they indicate in natal and horary astrology, time lords in the nativity marking important periods in life, transfer of power in planetary aspects, and others lesser known methods. Application of these principles will ensure more accuracy in reading the charts, and deeper understanding of important astrological principles.

Date: Tuesday July 30, 2024Time: 6:00 pm Eastern Time (Toronto)

Cost: $25 for the series of 5 classes (price increases in a few days).


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