Oct 4, 2020Анализ вопросов с множественным выбором через призму хорарной астрологии запись вебинара для ИСАРВремя: Fri, Dec 11, 2020 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM Моск. Астрологи и хорарные астрологи часто сталкиваются в своей практике с вопросами...
Jul 11, 2020Analyzing multiple choice questions through the lens of traditional horary astrology: ISAR Star ClubAstrologers and horary astrologers are often faced with the multiple choice questions in their practice. The range of questions may vary...
May 10, 2020Why we turn to astrology for meaningThe following article is based on my dissertation research published in 2011. I have explored why people turn to astrology for meaning...
Feb 6, 2018Where is my cat? Will it come back?Situation: A distressed client phoned me on a Saturday morning to report that her cat has gone missing since Friday evening. She usually...
Feb 6, 2018Will he contact me again? A relationship querySituation: A client e-mailed to ask about the potential for a new romantic relationship with a man she had met a few months prior at a...