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Solar Returns 101

Solar returns are a useful and reliable astrological technique of forecasting for the year dating back to Hellenistic period in western astrology. Solar Returns (called Revolutions by the earlier authors) are the charts calculated for the time the Sun returns to its natal position each year. Let's review some of the important considerations and interpretation steps for Solar Returns, based on J-B Morin's and Abu Ma'shar's methods.

General approach Natal chart is the root of what can manifest in SR; always analyze SR in relation to the nativity.

Classical authors agree that natal house rulers are conditioned for life but their expression is modified in SR by dignity/debility and position in the Solar Return chart. The natal rulers (also called lords of the houses) express their influence through the Solar Return houses they are in for the year.

For best accuracy, use 7 traditional rulers of the signs (no Pluto, Uranus or Neptune as rulers, but you can include them in the interpretation, if they are prominent in SR).

Location of Solar Return

Earlier astrologers commonly used natal location for the Solar Return charts regardless of where native lived. In later periods, SR charts were cast for the relocated positions by some of the authors. J-B Morin was an advocate for the later approach. He argued that the native received stellar influences at the location they were at during their solar return.

Following J-B Morin method, the author has been using relocated Solar Returns successfully for many years; however, using natal location can work as well. Either method can be used successfully with the consistent approach.

House system: Whole Signs or quadrant houses (Regio, Placidus or other) can be used for Solar Returns, and depend on the method the astrologer prefers and have been trained in.

Method of J-B Morin 1. Analyze Solar Return as a nativity for the year. The SR chart shows how native would experience the year, what important topics in life would be emphasized, and what their general attitude will be.

2. Most important is to analyze the Ascendant for the year: what sign and modality it is in, and how it correlates with the natal Ascendant. If compatible, during the year, native is more in tune with their instinct and natural predisposition. If SR Ascendant and Natal Ascednant are not compatible, there is more adjustment or tension likely during the year. The Ascendant also shows focus for the year. For example, someone with Virgo rising in the natal chart is security and service oriented. If in SR they have Leo rising, that creates a different focus for the native, such as drive for freedom and expressing one's authority (but it may be challenging as not only Virgo is different than Leo, but also it would fall in the 12th house of nativity).

3. Analyze the Lord of the Ascendant, which planet is it, and into which house it falls in the Solar Return. This shows an important area of engagement for the year. So if Mercury is Lord of the Solar Return Asc (L1), and it falls into the 5th house, pleasure, creativity, speculation or children will be important for the year, and person would spend their energy on the affairs related to the house. Venus as L1 indicates interest in pleasure or partnerships, Saturn – suggests a serious attitude and care or duty, the Sun – an essential expression of oneself, authority, Mars - drive, the Moon – emotional engagement with others, Jupiter - desire for meaning and synthesis. Aspects to the Asc show important experiences for the year – for example , Mars aspect – energy, drive, potential stress or conflict, Venus – pleasant experiences, relating to others and so on.

4. Analyze the Moon and the Sun in the solar return. The Moon shows emotional desires and focus for the year (e.g. Moon in the 7th House- partnerships, in the 4H family matters or moving, and etc. ). The Sun's position also shows an important area of expression and focus. (e.g. Sun in the 11th house – social engagement, perusing one's dreams; Sun in the 8H, matters of money and death, transitions, or getting into mysteries of the universe are possible). Aspects to the Luminaries, can provide additional details.

5. Go around the chart interpreting each house. Generally planets carry their natal meaning in the Solar Return but express through Solar Return houses. For example, Venus as Lord of 3rd house in nativity, placed in the Solar return 5H could bring pleasure or joys related to the siblings and studies. Planets in the houses suggest more energy expressed in the affairs related to the house, they may represent people or events. Empty houses can express according to their rulers.

6. Abu Ma'shar advice to compare natal planet with its solar return expression. If planet is strong in the natal chart and becomes weaker in the Solar return, than it does not produce positive effects. If planet is weak in the natal chart but is improved in the Solar Return, it brings more delight and improves the situation to a certain degree. If planet is difficult in the nativity and is difficult in the solar return, it produces adversity, and if it is good in nativity and good in the solar return, it produces positive effects.

Natal Condition

Solar Return Condition




Safety, good, and delight in what it indicates



weakness and decrease in what it indicates



condition will improve, introduce delight



excess of adversity in what it indicates

7. Notice if planets , especially the moon, Lord of SR Ascendant are in the late degrees of the sign, that often portrays a year of ending and changes.

8. Stelliums and dynamic configurations are also likely to produce noticeable effects in the year in the houses they fall into.

9. After analyzing the chart, one may want to overlap natal chart with the solar returns, and see how houses are linked, especially where SR Asc falls in the nativity and where SR MC falls in the nativity. These would show important areas of focus and emphasis for the year. For example, if SR Asc falls into 4 house in nativity, family matters become important; if SR MC falls in the 8H of nativity - social efforts will be directed to joint finances, matters related to death and mysteries, and so on.

10. Notice what planets are brought to angles when you impose SR on nativity and in reverse – they will show experiences that are important that year. Jupiter and Venus angular – produce positive experiences (unless they are rulers of the difficult houses in the nativity), Saturn or Mars – produce more stress and a busy year (unless they are well placed and associated with good houses.)

11. Finally, noticing transits to and by Lord of the Ascendant would help with timing events or periods during the year.

12. Solar Returns are commonly used with Profection lords ( a time lord for the year) but this will be discussed in a separate article.

If you're interested in the solar return consultation or have questions, please contact Dr Lumen via her contact page. Dr Lumen teaches solar return classes throughout the year; more information is on her courses page.


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